Opening Ceremony for the Second 10,000-Day Practice And
the First 1,000-Day Practice of the Second 10,000-Day Practice.
Mar. 19, 2023
Hello! Today marks the beginning of the second 10,000-Day Practice, which will continue for the next 30 years, as well as the first 1,000 Days of the second 10,000-Day Practice.

After the morning practice and meditation, Ven. Pomnyun Sunim headed for the Main Auditorium of Seoul Junto Center at 9 am. The Opening Ceremony commenced at 9:30 am with the sound of a bell, which signaled the start of another 10,000 days of practice.

The 10,000-Day Practice was initiated in March 1993 with the aspiration of transcending all suffering in the world and manifesting a Pure Heart, Good Friends, and a Clean Earth. The first 10,000-Day Practice was successfully completed in December 2022 and today marks the start of another 30 years of practice.

Following the Yebul ceremony and recitation of the Heart Sutra, the Opening Ceremony commenced with an opening speech by Jeon Hae-jong, chairperson of the Preparatory Committee for the 10,000-Day Practice. To commemorate the occasion, young Jungto practitioners performed the songs “Only Light” and “Bravo, the Second 10,000-Day Practice!”

The resounding voices of those young people appeared to announce to the world the commencement of the second 10,000-Day Practice. Following their performances, videos were presented showcasing projects for the second 10,000-Day Practice and featuring young practitioners expressing their resolutions for this new practice period.

Subsequently, a video produced by the Special International Division titled Spreading the Dharma to One Million People Challenge: We Can Do It!, was presented.
Everybody applauded the can-do spirit of the members of the Special International Division.

Following the presentations, Ven. Pomnyun Sunim, the guiding Dharma teacher of Jungto Society, delivered a Dharma talk for the second 10,000-Day Practice. Sunim shared his vision for the direction that Jungto Society should take over the next 30 years.

“Today is a very happy, exciting, and hopeful day. Thirty years have passed since a few of us made a vow and began practicing in a plastic greenhouse, and today we are beginning our second 10,000-Day Practice. Three decades ago, our aspirations appeared distant, but we achieved something akin to a dream or a miracle. As the saying goes ‘Where there’s a will, there’s a way,’ Jungto practitioners began the 10,000-Day Practice with nothing but our aspiration.
“In comparison to the challenges faced by our ancestors, who resolved to save the nation during perilous times, to achieve independence during times of lost sovereignty, or to save people in distress, we probably began our practice under more favorable conditions.
Following the ancient path to the future
“Some 2,600 years ago, even after his companion ascetics had left him, the Buddha calmly continued his search for the truth alone in a forest. Eventually, he attained enlightenment and discovered the path for everybody to be happy.

“We are not trying to go back to 2,600 years ago. Instead, we look back to the past because the path the Buddha took to solve the problems he faced 2,600 years ago could be a new path for us in our search for solutions to the problems we are facing today. Therefore, we say:
“‘The Buddha’s teachings are the ancient path to the future.’ The path was discovered long ago, but people have not followed it and as a result we are lost and wandering. The solution to the problems we face today and the way to escape our present suffering is to follow this path, although it was discovered 2,600 years ago.
“With this understanding, we’ve decided to take the Buddha as our life guide and to follow the path he discovered. It doesn’t mean that we will blindly follow him or believe that he will bless us if we believe in him. We are willing to follow this path because it is the way for each of us to attain freedom and for all of us to achieve happiness.
“Although it’s difficult to predict the future in detail, we can predict without much difficulty that humans will suffer. Thirty years ago, we couldn’t predict the ubiquity of computers or smartphones, but human suffering hasn’t changed much in 30 years. Likewise, it is difficult to predict in detail how humans will live and what our society will be like in another 30 years, but if we look closely, we can see that human suffering will probably increase rather than decrease.
Where are you running to?
“Although the number of people dying from starvation may decrease, there will still be individuals who die from hunger. Conflicts in various regions are likely to persist, environmental degradation will continue to worsen, and the effects of climate change will likely intensify. In such times of adversity, where are we running to?

“While countries, groups, and individuals are competing against each other, all of us are approaching a precipice called the climate crisis. Being addicted to and brainwashed by the idea that producing and consuming more is living well, we think that this is true. At a fundamental level, we need to reflect on whether this way of living is living well.
“The consumerist mindset, a way of thinking that producing and consuming more is living well, is driving the human race toward the end of civilization. This mindset leads to a sense of victory and superiority, as well as frustration, despair, and feelings of inferiority among those who are tired of competing. It also produces discrimination that systematically makes the competition unfair. While we should work toward abolishing discrimination, we must also redirect the path leading to the precipice. Merely eliminating discrimination will not be useful unless we change the direction in which we are headed. It’s like running toward a precipice and protesting that one started later than others. How can solving this be the fundamental solution?
“We must confront the fact that the destination we are heading toward is the destruction of humanity, and that a sense of superiority or inferiority, or a sense of victory or defeat prevents us from seeing the world as it truly is. In the midst of this, there are those whose survival is threatened as well as those who misuse their resources or power. These problems have not been eradicated because people who misuse their resources or power are envied rather than criticized or treated as public enemies. Their misuse of resources or power is reported on TV and in newspapers every day as if it were something to which to aspire, causing people to feel despair, just as slaves served their kings without question in the past.

“In the past, people in lower classes felt inferior from birth, but now we have a new class system based on academic performance, which makes those with poor academic performance feel inferior. Why can’t we break away from such a slave mentality, feeling inferior for not having more material things? If we don’t address the problem of consumerism, will simply advancing material civilization, democracy, and gender equality solve human problems? Will the mentality of ‘I will smoke because you smoke’ bring equality?
“Jungto Society began its 10,000-Day Practice to address this issue at its core. By breaking free from the consumerism that dominates modern civilization, we can preserve the environment, respect human life, eradicate absolute poverty, reduce relative poverty, and prevent wars. This is the way to save ourselves and others.
“Why do we always choose a way to ensure my survival over yours instead of finding a way for both of us to survive together? Such a way will eventually lead to my death as well. Before the climate crisis, it was difficult to recognize that the endless pursuit of desires is the path of doom. It is the same as mistaking the transient good feeling derived from drug consumption for eternal happiness.
“Practice is not disconnected from addressing threats to peace, the climate crisis, and environmental issues. To effectively address these issues, we require a profound understanding of the world at a fundamental level. We must realize that the world is not a collection of individual beings, but rather that all beings are interconnected, and that our actions should be guided by this realization. If we understand the law of dependent origination, we will see that winning a competition ultimately harms us. Instead of trying to win a competition, we need to achieve harmony and balance. The way for me to live is for you to live and the way for you to live is for me to live. We will be mentally and socially more peaceful and better preserve the natural environment when we share rather than hoard.
“Even if we do nothing, people will eventually realize that this way of living isn’t sustainable when the situation deteriorates further. But in the meantime, countless people will suffer and die. It’s not only the poor who suffer. The rich and the powerful also suffer because they are not free from consumerist values. By the time people realize that this isn’t the right way, it will be too late to stop. Even if you want to stop at the precipice’s edge, the surging crowds make it impossible to avoid plummeting downward.
The reason for practice, spreading the Dharma, and social engagement
“We must anticipate the looming crisis and break away from this widespread trend. Even if many people follow a path, we should not follow the path if it isn’t right. We must assist those who blindly follow the path to break free by stopping them and inquiring about their destination. Practice is for me to escape while spreading the Dharma is to help others do the same. Preventing a large group of people from following this path is social engagement.

“We need to practice humility, treating everyone equally. We should avoid being pretentious or arrogant based on our wealth or position, avoid discriminating against people based on their gender or skin color, or being servile or arrogant based on social status. Even if we possess material wealth, we should live frugally and be willing to share our resources with others. Although it would be ideal to have systems in place for fair resource distribution, in reality, power often favors the wealthy and establishing fair systems takes time. A more fundamental solution to these issues is for us to live humbly and frugally, and willingly give back to society. Such an attitude is necessary for our own happiness, for social harmony, and to address the climate crisis.
“Our objective for the second 10,000-Day Practice is to not only prevent the worsening of the problems humanity is facing but also to actively seek solutions. In other words, we should find solutions. Failing that, we should prevent the deterioration of these problems. Failing that, we should at least impede the speed of deterioration. We have gathered here for this very purpose. The mere revitalization of Buddhism without addressing these problems would be pointless. What would be the purpose of restoring Buddhism if we can’t solve the issues plaguing humanity? Buddhism entails saving and helping people to escape from suffering. The Buddha’s teachings are about the liberation of unenlightened beings from suffering, not about the growth of Buddhist influence or the construction of grandiose temples.
We must take action
“With this perspective, the overall direction for Jungto Society in the next 30 years has been set. Each of us should think about how we will live as Korean citizens and as members of the global community over the next 30 years. The Opening Ceremony today presents an opportunity for us to aspire to contribute, even if in small ways, toward solving the problems that humanity is facing. It is not enough to simply understand the path—we must take action. This means committing to our own liberation through practice, spreading the Dharma for others to follow this path, and living with humility and confidence.

“It is vital for young people to step up and initiate a social movement to tackle consumerism. It is necessary to establish a culture among young people where owning luxurious items, such as clothes, cars, or houses is seen as a source of shame rather than pride by encouraging them to consume less and to avoid using disposable products.
“Each one of you is precious, perhaps one in 10,000. Even if only one in 10,000 people resolves to take this path today, if 1% and then 5% of the population commit to it, the world can be transformed. If Korea can create a new form of civilization based on these principles, it will attract the world’s attention and have the potential to lead human civilization to a more sustainable future.
“Korea gained recognition initially for its manufactured goods, and later for music, dance, and other cultural offerings. Looking ahead, Korea must prioritize social engagement to forge a new path forward for humanity. We may be small in numbers, but we should pave the way toward a better future and be a beacon of hope for humanity. Our actions should be guided by a vision that would be evaluated by future generations as proactive in anticipating and addressing the needs of the future.

“The extent of our impact on society is not entirely within our control. Focusing solely on outcomes may lead to greed. Instead, we must strive to do our best without attachment to specific results. However, we have the power to choose the direction in which we aim to progress. By setting the right course and working diligently toward it, eventually, future generations will look back and recognize that we anticipated the needs of the future and took action, even 50 or 100 years ago.
“I encourage everyone to actively engage in this effort. Even if active participation is not possible, simply standing by us will contribute to the eventual success of our endeavor. Let us commence the next 10,000 days of practice with enthusiasm.”
With resounding applause, everyone expressed their commitment to join in the endeavor. The Opening Ceremony for the second 10,000-Day Practice concluded with the recitation of the Four Great Vows and was followed by a lunch break.

As the participants enjoyed their lunch, Sunim had lunch and tea with Kim Byeong-jo, the MC of today’s event, and Kim Hong-shin, a writer who would later deliver a congratulatory speech.

At 1 pm, the Opening Ceremony for the first 1,000-Day Practice of the second 10,000-Day Practice commenced. The first part of today’s event signified the start of the second 10,000-Day Practice while the second part marked the beginning of the next three years.
A new 1,000 days of practice commenced, with 7,500 participants from around the world connected to the live-streamed event. The previous 100 days had been a time of reflection and preparation, marking the conclusion of the first 10,000-Day Practice and laying the groundwork for the next 10,000-Day Practice. A video showcasing the various activities that took place during this period was presented.

The audience applauded, acknowledging the efforts of the Jungto practitioners who had committed themselves to the practice, donation, and volunteering over the past 100 days.

The event continued with the announcement of 10 objectives and projects for the first 1,000-Day Practice of the second 10,000-Day Practice, followed by the introduction of the new leaders. A video featuring the new leaders was presented.

Then, the president of Jungto Society, the director of the Administration Office, the director of Happiness Movement Headquarters, and the leader of the Dharma Teachers Group took to the stage to express their thoughts and feelings about the next 1,000 days. As they shared their reflections, the audience couldn’t help bursting into laughter at the anecdotes they told about Sunim, almost as if they had agreed upon them beforehand.
Jeon Hae-jong, the newly elected president of Jungto Society, shared his thoughts with the audience first.

“Somehow, a pear farmer from Daejeon has become the president of Jungto Society. When I first joined Jungto Society, Ven. Pomnyun Sunim said the following—maybe I am still with Jungto Society because of this. He said:
‘When spring comes, I’d like to plow the fields and plant seeds.’
These words have given me a sense of comfort. As I take on the role of president of Jungto Society, I am committed to serving whenever and wherever I am needed, just like a farmer who plows the fields in spring.”
Next, Baek Gi-sun, the newly appointed director of the Administration Office, shared her thoughts.

“We, the staff of the Administration Office, are committed to reducing your workload as much as possible and to providing the necessary support so that you can work more lightheartedly. To achieve the vows of Jungto practitioners, the elected officials and appointed officials will work together as one.”
Next, Yang Yun-deok, the newly elected director of Happiness Movement Headquarters, shared her thoughts.

“I also joined Jungto Society 30 years ago and Ven. Pomnyun Sunim said this at the time:
‘In the distant future, we will spread the Dharma worldwide, transcending the religious framework of Buddhism and the name of Jungto Society.’
I couldn’t imagine this happening because there were only a few members. But his words sounded so hopeful. I earnestly wished for this to happen, and now, 30 years later, his vision has become a reality. I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve.”
Lastly, Ven. Seon-ju Beopsanim, the newly elected leader of the Dharma Teachers Group, shared her thoughts.

“This happened when I was just starting as a trainee. I asked Ven. Pomnyun Sunim, ‘Sunim, I don’t have any aspirations. What should I do?’ and he replied:
‘If you don’t have any special aspirations, taking your teacher’s aspirations as yours will be nice.’
Upon hearing his words, my heart was lightened. I realized that I just needed to follow Sunim and take his aspirations as my own. I did so, and here I am. As Dharma teachers, we will do our best as pieces of a Mosaic Buddha so that Jungto Society can move toward a better future for the world.”
It was reassuring and inspiring to see these leaders, who will lead Jungto Society for the next three years.

Afterward, there was a pledge ceremony for all the participants of the new 1,000-Day Practice. Since everyone was a new participant, everyone took part in the ceremony.

“Jungto practitioners who officially sign up for the 1,000-Day Practice should make 10 pledges to become a person who is unhindered and without suffering and live a life of practice, donation, and volunteering to build Jungto on Earth. First, will you practice at 5 am every morning to be the master of your life?”
“Yes, I will practice at 5 am every morning.”

All those who officially signed up for the 1,000-Day Practice made 10 pledges and Sunim prayed for them.

“Thirty years ago, a few Jungto practitioners aspired to create Jungto, where everyone can live without suffering. We’ve practiced, made donations, and volunteered every day without skipping even a day to create Jungto. Thirty years have already passed and we’ve concluded our first 10,000-Day Practice. What began with just a few has now grown to encompass tens of thousands.
We vow earnestly
“Based on our experience of the first 10,000-Day Practice, we aim to guide people worldwide toward happiness and to encourage them to benefit others by learning the teachings of the Buddha. Today, we join our palms together and make our vows.
“We vow to become people who are unhindered and without suffering by ridding ourselves of foolishness and ignorance. We vow to reflect on ourselves and live a life free of suffering no matter what happens, rather than justifying our suffering or blaming others.

“We vow to spread the Buddhadharma so that not only ourselves but also others can learn these wonderful teachings and live a life free of suffering and full of happiness.
“We vow to advocate for the right of all beings to life and happiness so that everyone can live happily. We vow to make efforts so that people don’t suffer from starvation, sickness, or poverty, nor do people fight over differences of opinions, and we vow to prevent wars and achieve peace.
“We vow to live frugally by eating, dressing, and living humbly to protect the Earth, which is the basis of our existence. “

The participants bowed to the Buddha three times, pledging to keep these vows in their daily lives. Sunim gave a talk to encourage the participants of the 1,000-Day Practice.

“It is admirable for one to devote one’s whole life to practice, spreading the Dharma, and the betterment of the world. However, in reality, it is a challenging task. As an individual, it is difficult for us to be a buddha but by joining forces, we can become a buddha. Therefore, Jungto Society has come up with the concept of ‘a Mosaic Buddha.’
Together, we are a Mosaic Buddha
“As an individual, it is difficult for us to become a complete person like the Buddha, but it is possible for us to be a piece that makes up the whole Buddha. We may not donate all our resources, but we can donate one dollar a day. We may not be able to volunteer all our time, but we can still dedicate a few hours a week to volunteering. Even if we can’t devote our entire lives to practice, we can practice for an hour each morning, reflecting on ourselves.
“When hundreds, thousands, ten thousands of us who aspire to be pieces of the Mosaic Buddha come together, we can embody the Buddha’s wisdom and compassion. Let’s follow the path of the Buddha, which can be manifested in reality, as anyone, regardless of talent, can contribute in their own way, big or small, to the collective effort. This is the purpose for which Jungto Society was established.
“Our goal is clear, and it is no different from that of the Buddha: achieving liberation and nirvana. We must not alter our goal merely because we are imperfect, unlike the Buddha. If we do, we can’t claim to be practitioners. We share the same goal as the Buddha. Even if we are unable to tread the path alone like a rhinoceros, we are not failures. Imperfect as we are, we can unite and walk the path together. Our small donations add up to a lot of money that helps many people, and our small acts of volunteering add up to a powerful force that helps many people. Our individual practice may seem insignificant, but the collective practice of hundreds of thousands of us enables us to follow the Buddha’s path. This is the path we have walked for the last 30 years.
Making the miracle of the advent of the Buddha in modern times
“Even the biggest and longest river starts with a drop of water. Even the tallest tree starts with a tiny seed. Each of us is incomplete. However, as we become pieces that form a mosaic Buddha, we can make the miracle of the advent of the Buddha in modern times, as the saying goes, ‘Every little bit helps.’

“In order to achieve this, each of us must commit to daily practice. If we desire to create a world of ideals, we must first embody those ideals ourselves. It is inconsistent to expect others to live as practitioners while we ourselves fail to do so. Therefore, it is imperative for us to practice every morning and to donate and volunteer to create a better world. Committing to this practice for at least 1,000 days is the 1,000-Day Practice.
“Everybody begins now. The past is gone. We begin together today. Anyone who didn’t sign up for the 1,000-Day Practice because of their age is foolish. Only if you had signed up for it can you say, ‘My 1,000-Day Practice hasn’t finished yet’ when the messenger of death knocks on your door. If you are a practitioner, should you beg the messenger of death not to take you? If you are a practitioner, you should be able to say, ‘I’ll see you later because I am in the middle of 1,000-Day Practice.’ (Laughter)

“I want all of you who are participating in the Opening Ceremony to practice consistently for the next 1,000 days and to become happy yourself and benefit others at the same time.”
Next, Sunim gave a Dharma talk for the first 1,000-Day Practice. Sunim talked about the important tasks for the next 1,000 days.
“The first 10,000-Day Practice was like planting a seed. You need to prepare the soil, plow it, and fertilize it before planting a seed. We have planted a seed and watered it for the past 30 years and, finally, a shoot has sprouted. Many seeds don’t even sprout. The seed called Jungto Society has sprouted with difficulty. The second 10,000-Day Practice is like nurturing the shoot that has sprouted.
To continuously grow
“They say that it is difficult to start a business but it is more difficult to maintain it. In the same way, it is difficult to start a project or initiative but it is even more difficult for it to survive to the next generation. When we start something, we approach it with a spirit of experimentation. If this doesn’t work, we can try that and if that doesn’t work, we can try this. While this requires hard work, there is also less pressure.
“As an organization reaches a certain stage of growth, however, it becomes challenging to continue experimenting. This is due to the need to preserve and build on past achievements. However, focusing solely on preserving and inheriting past achievements can hinder growth. But, experimentation is difficult. Because a single misstep can prove disastrous. Hence, it can be incredibly challenging to foster growth while also upholding and inheriting past achievements.

“For an organization to achieve stable growth, it typically takes at least three generations. Only then can we consider it truly established. As an individual, you have to practice consistently regardless of your involvement in the activities of Jungto Society. However, those who contributed to the establishment of Jungto Society should focus on imparting their past experiences to the next generation. Holding on to past experiences can hinder growth, although it may help maintain the organization. On the other hand, abandoning past experiences may not only hinder growth, but may result in the organization declining. Individuals who believe they have 30 more years of work ahead of them should prioritize growth, while those who feel that working for 30 more years may be challenging due to their age should focus on maintenance.
Preserving and inheriting the past vs Expanding it in light of time and place
“Passing on past experiences to the next generation is crucial during the first 1,000-Day Practice of the second 10,000-Day Practice as it ensures the future success of Jungto Society. We shouldn’t abandon the past but neither should we burden the next generation with it. Focusing too much on past achievements can drain our energy and hinder further development. However, focusing solely on development risks overlooking the valuable lessons of past experiences. That is why inheriting past achievements is difficult. Merely surviving another generation is not sufficient to consider Jungto Society firmly established. To be considered truly established, it must survive at least three generations. Thus, the second 10,000-Day Practice has two tasks: preserving the founding spirit and expanding and developing it in light of time and place. To accomplish the latter task, Jungto Society has decided to take two actions.
“The first action is to spread the Dharma to young people, laying the foundation for Jungto Society’s future development. The second action is to spread the Dharma in multiple languages, not only Korean. To achieve these goals, we have established the Special International Division and the Special Youth Division. While preserving the founding spirit, the importance of adapting to changing times and circumstances has been recognized. Until now, we have operated within the framework of Korean culture, but moving forward, we will spread the Dharma to people worldwide. Similarly, we have traditionally catered to the culture of the older generation, but we will reach out to the younger generation. It’s important to acknowledge that the younger generation in Korea has a distinct culture from the older generation, despite speaking the same language. As such, we must approach the younger generation with a mindset similar to that of dealing with foreigners.

“Focusing solely on expansion can lead us to lose our identity as practitioners and be driven by desires. Holding fast to our principles, however, may alienate us from the younger generation. I think balancing between these two is our biggest challenge.
“Whether Korean or foreign, young or old, everyone experiences suffering. The teachings of the Buddha, which aim to alleviate suffering, do not discriminate based on any factor. While our overall aim remains the same, changes are needed in some areas.
The smoothest generational shift in history
“Smooth generational shifts are crucial for the continuous growth of an organization. However, throughout history, such shifts have rarely been smooth, with conflicts between generations being inevitable. Older generations may feel displeased with younger generations, while younger generations may view older ones as too authoritative. Despite this, as practitioners we aim to achieve the smoothest generational shift in history by striving to fully understand each other.

“I urge Dharma teachers to focus on passing on and preserving past achievements while encouraging lay members to lead changes and build on those achievements. By doing so, Jungto Society can create a new model. Let us approach the first 1,000-Day Practice of the second 10,000-Day Practice with enthusiasm and determination to achieve this goal.”
After that, the 100-day assignments were announced, followed by a performance of small drum dance titled “My Happiness, Peace in the World” by members of the Happiness Movement Headquarters.

As the time was approaching to wrap up the Opening Ceremony, Kim Hong-shin, a writer, delivered a congratulatory speech.

“A fortunate soul who had the good fortune of meeting Ven. Pomnyun Sunim 23 years ago and has been happily captivated and inspired by his wisdom, will give a congratulatory speech. I am 76 years old now, and if I want to complete the second 10,000-Day Practice, I have to live until I am 106. I will try to remain alive as best as I can. (Laughter) I hope that all of us stick together and see this journey through until the beginning of the third 10,000-Day Practice.”
The Opening Ceremony for the first 1,000-Day Practice of the second 10,000-Day Practice drew to a close. We promised to meet again at the next opening ceremony on July 2nd and recited the Four Great Vows.

After completing the Opening Ceremony, Sunim departed Seoul Jungto Center for Dubuk Retreat Center. After driving for four hours, the car arrived at the retreat center past 7 pm.

The front yard of the retreat center was adorned with white magnolia flowers and pink azaleas. The flowers had bloomed earlier than usual by about 10 days.
Sunim reviewed a manuscript and attended to other tasks before conducting the Sunday Meditation at 8:30 pm. This online meditation was the 154th session held since the onset of Covid-19.

First, Sunim greeted the participants.

“We shouldn’t be too concerned about small things or things that don’t go our way. We should keep our focus on our goals while remaining grounded. Jungto Society has completed its 10,000-Day Practice, which lasted for 30 years, and we now embark on a new 10,000-Day Practice, which will continue for the next 30 years. Thirty years may seem like a long time, but when we look back on the past 30 years, it feels like it was just yesterday. So we don’t have to be intimidated by the next 30 years. If we practice diligently every day and look back in 30 years, it will feel like it all happened in a blink of an eye.
Adopting a long-term perspective without attaching to the feeling of the moment
“It’s the same with meditation. During the 40 minutes of meditation, we may face various challenges or it may feel like a long duration. However, when the time is up, it seems to have gone by in a flash. No matter what happens during the 40 minutes, it is nothing once it’s passed. But what’s even more important is to realize that it’s nothing while it is happening. By doing so, we will be able to live more peacefully without becoming overly anxious in each moment.
“While meditating or doing anything worthwhile you may feel it is difficult, but when it’s done you feel good about having done it. On the other hand, when you do something pleasant you feel good at the moment of doing it, but you tend to regret it later. Therefore, we shouldn’t attach to the feeling of the moment and instead adopt a long-term perspective.
“Whatever you experienced or felt during meditation is not important. Accept them lightly, thinking, ‘I’ve experienced this and that.’ I want you to meditate with that kind of relaxed and laid-back approach.”
With that, meditation began.

“Straighten your posture. Relax your body and mind. You have nothing to do at the moment. Pause your thoughts and motions. Since you are alive, breath comes in and breath goes out. All you have to do is be aware of that. If you lose that, regain that awareness.”
Clap! Clap! Clap!
After meditating for 35 minutes, Sunim appeared on the screen again. Sunim read the comments in the chat window before completing the meditation session.
Tomorrow, the Opening Ceremony for the first 1,000-Day Practice of the second 10,000-Day Practice with English interpretation will be held for foreign participants and an online training program for the facilitators of Jungto Dharma School and Jungto Sutra Course will take place.