I’m a Peacekeeper!

For the peace in my family,
For the peace in my workplace,
For the peace in my community,
For the peace in my country,
For the peace in the world as a global citizen.

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  • 12/13
    Won Tae Lee
    I went for a walk around my house for the first time in a while and it helped me to feel more relaxed and peaceful afterwards.
  • 12/13
    Audrey Jo
    I tried to listen even though the topic was not interesting to me and attempted to find a way to be interested. It didn't last for long, but I realized that listening for the purpose of finding what interests me, helps me focus and better understand what the other person is saying.
  • 12/13
    Jung J
    I practiced accepting differences and showing understanding and empathy toward someone with a different perspective.
  • 12/12
    Jung J
    I regularly meditate and pray for peace, extending it to my loved ones and the world.
  • 12/12
    Nurin Izzati Jafri
    Before I started to become angry, I was able to realize I am getting angry. Before I acted upon the feeling, and wrote things that I might regret later, I imagine being in their shoes and I tried to be more neutral and after I got calm a little bit, I reply to the email.
  • 12/12
    Eliana Reyes
    Yesterday, I met fellow neighbours to plan next year’s activities on raising awareness on the subtleties of negative behaviour in our community.
  • 12/12
    Jungmin Lee
    I actively greet my neighbors. A small gesture lifts the mood and eases any uncomfortable moments.
  • 12/12
    Jeea Lee
    I felt upset about the political situation in Korea lately. However, after listening to Sunim’s insightful answer in his daily activities update, I was able to see different perspectives from multiple dimensions and calm my mind with greater peace.
  • 12/12
    Jorge Biaggini
    I used to get involved when my wife and daughter were arguing, hoping to calm things down. I have actually learnt that it is better to stay completely out of it and let them talk it out. Since I stay out, to my surprise, things are more peaceful at home.
  • 12/12
    Lindsey Mooney
    Last night I was a little rude to my partner at dinner just about how the food was cooked. I apologized to him later admitting that my communication was poor. His feelings are more important than how the food is cooked.