I’m a Community Keeper!

Let’s share what we did to help keeping our neighbors safe and well.

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  • 07/25
    Kyungae No_노경애 _139335
    On May 22nd, members of Dallas group joined the JTS America fundraising campaign. in an online meeting, we liked and subscribed to the JTS America YouTube account, and each of us decided to engage in fundraising activities in our own way. We plan to continue this until the end of year.
  • 07/9
    keshav saini
    Me and my learning community started to practice subjects related to co-existences over competitions
  • 07/3
    Karen Sweeney
    Today I picked up some garbage near my mailbox to make my neighbor look clean and nice for everyone.
  • 07/3
    Selvi Chockalingam
    I gave a lot of thought on how to explain my perspective to my mum and at the same time not to hurt her. I was happy with how I spoke to her. It required a lot of effort and time. However on a following conversation she said I was angry. I feel it could be true. However I tried my best with the right intention & thoughts. I am still learning to resolve conflicts wisely with less damage.
  • 07/3
    Selvi Chockalingam
    I engaged with ladies in my community group to inform about a musical concert coming up in our city. This led to number of us booking tickets together to have a fun evening together.
  • 07/3
    Selvi Chockalingam
    I posted a note in my community WhatsApp group to ask if anyone would like to use my brand new blender jar.
  • 07/2
    Susy Lee
    I am visiting my parents for the summer. I have been helping them to better organize their food in the cupboards and fridges. I noticed many items were expired and cleared them out to make sure my parents are eating healthier and more fresh foods.
  • 07/2
    Susy Lee
    I visited my 93 year old aunt who recently moved into an elderly home. We talked about the past, of which she could remember clearly. I noticed that her memory of recent events were not so clear.
  • 07/2
    Carrie Niemy
    I researched and found a place to donate baby things that my son has outgrown -- where homeless families will benefit from those things. I\'ve been really wanting to make sure they went to good use, so I feel really positive about this.
  • 07/2
    Audrey Jo
    I volunteered at a local blood drive recently.