When you are going through some hardship and you encounter an even bigger problem, you suddenly realize that the original hardship wasn’t that bad. You say to yourself, “It was pretty good back then.” If you’re having a good time but later it gets even better, you...
People with lots of worries create a train of thought about the past and future. That is why you need to be awake to the here and now. What others think of you is not important. “I” is important. Be mindful of the here and now solely as yourself. Illustration by...
When you renew your mind, every day becomes a new day and the beginning of a new year. The day you are free from suffering and become happy is a new day. I wish you would cultivate your happiness and find every day is a new day. – Pomnyun – Illustration by...
It is good right now, and it will be good later on. It is good for me, and it is good for you. That’s how the truth works. Illustration by MaseolGoodforyouandme, Nowandlater, Pomnyun, Truth, Wisdom...