I’m a Peacekeeper!

For the peace in my family,
For the peace in my workplace,
For the peace in my community,
For the peace in my country,
For the peace in the world as a global citizen.

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Share your failures story (It’s a learning opportunity)!

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  • 08/15
    Christina Amaral
    While placing a phone order, I maintained patience despite the miscommunication that happened between the employee and me. I saw no reason to get upset.
  • 08/15
    Catherine Norcott
    I have organized my 16 unit community to address concerns over a new development proposed next to our community. Together we will address environmental and other concerns and find peace with the new development
  • 08/15
    I gave support and console to my wife to help facilitate her peace of mind.
  • 08/15
    Jenny Schuck
    Today I introduced myself to distant family members at a bridal shower. I’ve heard they are difficult but I wanted to start off with a peaceful chat
  • 08/15
    Jenny Schuck
    Today I introduced myself to distant family members at a bridal shower. I’ve heard they are difficult but I wanted to start off with a peaceful chat
  • 08/15
    (오정미 국제콘팀 독일어번역) Chongmi Oh
    Today I spent peace with my husband.
  • 08/15
    Juyeon Han
    Today I participated in a demonstration against sexual violence in wars.
  • 08/14
    For peace of my family, I ran the dishwasher.
  • 08/14
    (권순남 국제북미 영어불대돕는이) Soonnam Kwon
    A peace of my family, I did not provide advice to my sister who is having a rough relationship with my another sister but listened to her.
  • 08/13
    Jiyoung Lee
    I bowed three times in the morning praying for the peace and unification of Korean peninsula.