I’m a Peacekeeper!

For the peace in my family,
For the peace in my workplace,
For the peace in my community,
For the peace in my country,
For the peace in the world as a global citizen.

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  • 01/10
    Sarah Lee
    Instead of holding a grudge against my partner or get frustrated that he does not always remember things that I say or ask him, I calmly repeat myself and remind myself that it has less to do with me and more about whatever's occupying his mind. I have compassion for myself (I have hypervigilant tendencies so I tend to over-obsess and remember everything) and compassion for him (because I probably hold him to the same standard I do to myself) and instead remember that what is most important is that I show up in the present moment and not to take things he says (or forgets) personally.
  • 01/9
    craig lewis
    (For Tuesday 09/01) I reached out to a work colleague in an effort to clarify a point of disagreement and confusion. Although the issue has not yet been fully resolved, I think that the lines of communication are flowing more easily as a result.
  • 01/9
    Eunji Hong
    I listened attentively to my partner when he was having difficulty at his work. I feel connected.
  • 01/8
    Miles Cooper
    I’ve uploaded a social media post to encourage finding peace in nature, especially as the Christmas season has traditionally been seen as one of peace.
  • 01/8
    Matthew Broadhurst
    During an argument I chose to apologise for my actions even though I felt at the time I wasn't in the wrong. It allowed the argument to end and for us to have a peaceful and happy day.
  • 01/8
    Jin-Kyong Lee
    I chose to be curious rather than judgmental or worried when I could not understand my daughter. I feel calmer.
  • 01/8
    성애 서
    I agreed with my husband to walk to a restaurant to pick up a lunch for him even the weather was cold and snowy road.
  • 01/7
    sunyong chung
    To keep peace with my husband, I try to avoid arguments. Arguments often leads to 'collision' and escalates unpleasantness. Instead I try to bring it up later when everyone can calmly discuss the problem. However I don't always succeed.
  • 01/6
    Eunji Hong
    I greeted co-workers with smile, and try to listen to them attentively. I feel connected
  • 07/25
    Prince Barpaga
    Every morning when I wake up I start my day with thoughts of metta (good will) for myself and all the sentient beings. This helps me to start my day in a positive way.