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  • 07/7
    Wind Maker
    Today I was inspired by the Offering Prayer of the Jungto Society before meals.
  • 07/2
    Being Happier
    I was inspired by teachings of Venerable Pomnyun Sunim that it is not easy to overcome unfamiliar things because there is resistance in everything even if the task is easy and simple.
  • 06/29
    Being Happier
    Yesterday I was inspired by the teaching of Venerable Pomnyun Sunim that we have the right to a happy life in any circumstances we are in. After getting two vaccine shots on Monday, I had a hard time. But today my condition has improved and I feel better.
  • 06/26
    Being Happier
    Just like dropping waters penetrates a rock, every day becomes a thousand days. Ven. Pomnyun Sunim said that everything was just practice until yesterday and today we start again as a brand new day. What a wonderful teaching. It inspires me and gives me new energy.
  • 06/20
    Garden Han
  • 06/18
    Angela O`Donnell
    I was inspired by a fellow practitioner who collected Moringa tree seeds for a north Korean Farmer who met at the Bongsan in 2016.
  • 06/15
    Jung J
    Today, I was inspired by reading Sunim's daily blog.
  • 06/8
  • 06/2
    like_a_circle K
    Today, I was inspired by fellow practitioners who work hard in order to bring Ven. Pomnyun Sunim's teachings to as many people as possible.