I’m a Community Keeper!

Let’s share what we did to help keeping our neighbors safe and well.

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  • 08/13
    Chuxiao Maldonado
    A coworker is retiring in order to take care of her daughter who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. I gathered the people from the department to throw a farewell luncheon and collected donations to help her and her family.
  • 08/13
    My neighbor, who lives on his own, seems to be a bit lonely. When I walked my dog this evening I stopped by his house to chat for a bit.
  • 08/13
    Christina Amaral
    I sewed some handmade gifts to give to close friends. The stitches are far from perfect, but a lot of care went into making them.
  • 08/13
    Sanghoon Hank Han
    As someone who believes that the environment is closely related to the well being of the people, I donated to an NGO known to research and act on pollution in our waters.
  • 08/13
    Juyeon Han
    I collected the garbage from the street
  • 08/12
    Ling Sim
    I gave two popsicles to my worker as the weather is scorching hot.
  • 08/12
    Angela O`Donnell
    As I donated to JTS today, I prayed that my little efforts would reach the hungry children of the Philippines, India, and North Korea.
  • 08/12
    Martin Schliephacke
    I listened to the complaint of some coworkers about an important customer.
  • 08/12
    (오정미 국제콘팀 독일어번역) Chongmi Oh
    I did shopping for a single mom friend who had Corona.
  • 08/12
    elena ji
    I stayed home all day today so...but I remember the good feeling when I received a thank you card from my neighbour lady after sharing my home-made pumpkin soup.